Honkai: Star Rail - Top 5 Best Moze Light Cones

Top 5 Best Moze Light Cones

Moze is a 4- Star Lightning Hunt unit and a importantsub-DPS concentrated on follow- up attacks( FUA) in Honkai Star Rail. He has a unique handyperson called Departed, which he activates through his Skill and gift by marking a target as Prey. When Moze enters the Departed state, he's removed from the action line, making him untargetable by both adversaries and abettors . This handyperson also allows Moze to extend numerous of the suckers he receives before entering Departed since turns no longer do for him.

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For Light Cones, Moze generally favors those that boost CRIT Rate or follow- up attack damage. While CRIT DMG and ATK are also asked , they're slightly less precious due to implicit dwindling returns from Moze’s tackle and make. His Traces give 18 ATK and 37.3 CRIT DMG, while his Eidolon 2 subventions an fresh 40 CRIT DMG. Moze’s action advances from his A4 Trace make SPD gratuitous, meaning ATK bases is also the stylish option. Then's a quick overview of the stylish Light Cones for Moze in Honkai Star Rail.


Cruising in the Stellar Sea (S5)

Cruising in the Stellar Sea is the stylish F2P Light Cone available and can be fluently attained from Herta's Shop. It offers a 16 unconditional Crit Rate boost with an fresh 16 once the target’s HP drops below 50, making it largely precious for Moze.

Unfortunately, Moze struggles to spark and maintain the ATK boost from this Light Cone, as his Departed state prevents him from switching targets until the Prey status is disbanded. While this limitation weakens the Light Cone’s overall impact and keeps it lower on the list, it remains a solid option due to its strong CRIT Rate boost.


Only Silence Remains (S5)

Only Silence Remains is a strong 4- Star option at Superimposition 5, handed players can maintain high uptime on its CRIT Rate increase. This can be challenging in Honkai Star Rail, where numerous hassles involve further than two adversaries, as heads and elites frequently generate fresh foes. still, if players can insulate Moze's precedence target beforehand, before his follow- up attacks and Ultimates detector, Only Silence Remains delivers a solid performance.


Swordplay (S5)

Swordplay is another great 4- star option at Superimposition 5, offering a much easier condition for Moze to fulfill than the former two Honkai Star Rail Light Cones. Moze'smulti-hit FUA can incontinently mound up Swordplay's 80 DMG boost, while his Departed state ensures this effect remains active by precluding target changes.


Worrisome, Blissful (S1)

Topaz's hand 5- Star Light Cone, Worrisome, Blissful, is an excellent choice for Moze and offers a third debuff to maximize the Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters relic set. Not only does this Light Cone give both CRIT Rate and FUA DMG, but its Tame debuff also grants the platoon 12 CRIT DMG. While Worrisome, Blissful falls slightly behind the coming Light Cone in terms of Moze's particular damage, it provides advanced overall platoon damage. When running Moze alongside another damage dealer, this Light Cone offers the most value.


Baptism of Pure Thought (S1)

Dr. rate's hand Light Cone, investment of Pure study, tops the list when it comes to Moze's particular damage. Along with a substantial CRIT DMG boost, the Contestation effect provides a 32 DMG increase and, more importantly, a 24 DEF ignore for his follow- up attacks. DEF ignore is a important multiplier in Honkai Star Rail, making this buff exceptionally precious. likewise, thanks to Moze's Departed handyperson, the Contestation effect can be extended beyond two turns.

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