Monster Hunter Now: Essential Tips to Track and Slay Rajang

"Rajang Showdown: A Complete Guide to Locating and Defeating the Beast in Monster Hunter Now"

It was only a matter of time before the great ham monster Rajang appeared in Monster Hunter Now. Going by  numerous aliases among the  suckers, with  maybe the stylish being Furious George, Rajang has been a  redoubtable brute ever since its  preface to the series, slamming the ground to beget  shakes, grabbing nimrods to crush them, and indeed changing form much like Goku from Dragon Ball Z to get access to deadly blasts.

With  similar sheer speed, it's no wonder then that Rajang is not unlockable in Monster Hunter Now  typically — until nimrods pass a specific point in the Season 3 Story Questline. still, nimrods are chancing  Rajang in the wild during the 1st Anniversary event, alongside Aknosom and Magnamalo, so this  companion will go over all the tips for defeating it, along with all the given  particulars you can use to  draft into new munitions and armor.

Where To Find Rajang In Monster Hunter Now


Getting Rajang to appear in the wild requires you to beat an critical Quest in the Season 3 Story where you need to  master a Rajang on your own. Unlike Aknosom, who appears early on, it's  presently unclear when Rajang stomps into the fray. This  companion will be  streamlined  formerly more has been revealed. As soon as you  master Furious George in the Story Mode, you can find the thunder- element ham in any of the three biomes  timber, swamp, and desert. Unfortunately, you can not use the Monster Tracking  point to track Rajang for guaranteed  hassles.

How To Beat Rajang In Monster Hunter Now


This is, by far, the toughest of the available monsters in Monster Hunter Now. While Magnamalo is  clearly a challenge, Rajang's sheer speed is hard to avoid at the stylish of times. To  fight this, you should  concentrate more on dodging the attacks in the first place, rather than going for perfect  wiles — at least until you get used to its increased tempo. You also need to watch out for the moment that Rajang powers up, as it gains access to a gigantic thunder- element blast that's  delicate to avoid. It can power up  formerly more into a" Rampage Mode," which makes its fists  gemstone solid and its attacks hit a lot harder.

still, the main ways to do so are to break its tail while it's powered up or to use Sleep munitions to  shoot it to dreamland, If you wish to calm it down. Ice is Rajang's major weakness, so try to increase a  ruckus- grounded armament,  similar as the Great Sword, to a high enough  position before considering hunting this ham at advanced rankings.

Monster Hunter Now Rajang Drops

Finally, here's everything that can drop from a Rajang that we know of so far in Monster Hunter Now:



Minimum Required Star Rank

Rajang Fang



Rajang Blackfur



Rajang Tail



Rajang Claw



Rajang Primefang



Rajang Horn


6-stars (1 purple star)


What are Rajang's elemental weaknesses in Monster Hunter Now?

Rajang is weak to Ice-element weapons, making Ice attacks your best option for dealing maximum damage. It's resistant to Thunder, so avoid using Thunder-based weapons.

What armor and gear should I use to fight Rajang?

Equip armor that offers high defense and resistance to Thunder damage, as Rajang deals significant Thunder-based attacks. Strong Ice-element weapons will give you an advantage in combat.

How can I avoid Rajang’s powerful attacks?

Rajang is extremely aggressive and fast. Stay mobile and use your dodges effectively to avoid his close-range charges and Thunder-based moves. Watch for his enraged state when his arms glow, as this is when he deals the most damage.

What’s the best strategy for fighting an enraged Rajang?

When Rajang enters his enraged state (with glowing arms), it's best to play defensively. Focus on attacking his tail to knock him out of rage mode, and time your dodges carefully to avoid his high-damage attacks.

How do I track Rajang in Monster Hunter Now?

Use Scoutflies to track Rajang's footprints and other clues. Pay attention to the environment, as Rajang typically appears in volcanic or high-altitude regions, making it easier to anticipate his location.

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